
pakora 1

Went vegetable shopping and found myself with cabbage, onions, potatoes and spinach on a day with the family at home.
What’s the perfect way to use these vegetables (and cauliflower, spring greens etc)? Pakoras.

An hour later all the vegetables were chopped thinly, fresh coriander, salt and spices added and the whole lot mixed with gram flour to bind.
Frying, my least favourite part, took another half an hour but the end result was enough pakoras to feed an army.

With salad, sauces and toast it is one meal no one in the family objects to! It may be fried but what an easy way to get everyone to eat plenty of vegetables!

The leftovers are used another time, soaked in hot salty water, drained well and added to spicy yoghurt with sliced onions (plus optional boiled potatoes and chickpeas) to make dahi pakoras.

Pakoras are a classic!

pakora 2

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